Compare traditional dividend strategies (DRIP, Cash) with harvesting techniques and analyze the differences
Initial Investment: -
Total Cash Dividends: -
Current Share Value: -
Total Strategy Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Initial Investment: -
Total DRIP Shares:
Current Share Price:
Total Strategy Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Strategy: Buy before ex-date, sell on ex-date
Initial Investment: -
Final Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Average Per Cycle: -
Strategy: Buy before ex-date, sell on payment date
Initial Investment: -
Final Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Average Per Cycle: -
Strategy: Buy on payment date, sell on next ex-date
Initial Investment: -
Final Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Average Per Cycle: -
Strategy | Total Value | Profit/Loss | Return % | Rank |
The best performing strategy for this symbol during this time period is highlighted above.
Initial Investment: -
Total Cash Dividends: -
Current Share Value: -
Total Strategy Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Initial Investment: -
Total DRIP Shares: -
Current Share Price: -
Total Strategy Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Strategy: Buy before ex-date, sell on ex-date
Initial Investment: -
Final Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Average Per Cycle: -
Strategy: Buy before ex-date, sell on payment date
Initial Investment: -
Final Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Average Per Cycle: -
Strategy: Buy on payment date, sell on next ex-date
Initial Investment: -
Final Value: -
Profit/Loss: -
Return: -
Average Per Cycle: -
Ex-Dividend Date | Day Before Price | Ex-Date Price | Payment Date | Payment Price | Amount | Ex-Date Harv. | Payment Harv. | Ex-Cycle Harv. | DRIP Shares |